Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Chinese Food Recipies

I made some chines food earlier tonight. My sister asked me to share the recipes so here they are.

Turkey Fried Rice

Cook 3/4 cup white rice (should come out to about 2 cups once cooked) as directed on the bag. Let this rice hang out in your fridge for a day or two. Never use rice you just cooked!!!!


1 tablespoon butter  1 cup cooked turkey
2 carrots  2 cups cooked rice, as prepared above.
1/2 cup frozen peas  2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 onion  1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 tablespoon vegetable oil  

1). Chop the onion, carrots into small cubes. Heat butter and oil on medium low heat. Once butter is melted add the veggies and saute until tender.

2). While the veggies are doing their thing, cube up the cooked turkey.

3). When the veggies are soft add the turkey, rice and black pepper. Mix it all up in the wok and add the soy sauce. Keeps stirring every now and then and cook for 5 minutes or so.

Chicken Tenders


4 cups vegetable oil
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into thin strips
salt & pepper
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 egg
1 cup chicken broth

1). Heat up the oil, I used high heat. Keep heating until it is hot, who uses thermometers anyway?

2). Salt and pepper the chicken.

3). Add the flour, baking powder, corn starch and dash of salt and mix together in a bowl. In a separate bowl mix the egg and chicken broth. Then combine the two.

4). Dip the chicken in the batter and fry in the pan for about 5 - 6 minutes. You might want to turn the chicken over in the oil a few times to keep the fry even as my chickens tended to float a bit.

Beef Teriyaki

Marinade 1 lbs beef tenders in some teriyaki sauce over night in your fridge. Broil in your oven turning over halfway through. Took me about 15 minutes total time.